太極功夫扇 (2024年5月及6月) Tai Chi Kung Fu Fan (May-Jun 2024)

靈活結合扇子的揮舞和太極的運動技巧,使中國功夫和歌曲旋律巧妙揉合地在一起,當中包含不同流派的太極拳、太極劍​動作,以及快速有力的長拳、南拳等武術動作和京劇舞蹈,載歌載 “武”,易學易練,是中老年朋友陶冶情操、强身健體的首選 Kung Fu Fan has 52 movements, divided into six sections corresponding to six sections in the music. Most of the movements in Kung Fu Fan are based on traditional tai chi forms, especially sword forms, with the fan substituting for the sword. Kung Fu Fan is an entertaining piece to watch, fun to…

二十四式簡化太極拳 (2024年5月及6月) Simplified 24-Form Tai Chi Chuan (May-Jun 2024)

24式簡化太極拳也叫簡化太極拳,是太極拳專家汲取楊氏太極拳之精華編串而成。儘管它只有24個動作,但相比傳統的太極拳套路來講,其內容更顯精練,動作更顯規範,並且也能充分體現太極拳的運動特點 The Simplified 24-Form TAI Chi Chuan was created in 1956 based upon the traditional Yang style of Tai Chi Chuan. It is an easy-to-follow and slow-moving, yet powerful, workout. 日期 Date:2/5, 9/5, 16/5, 23/5, 30/5; 6/6, 13/6, 20/6, 27/6 (星期四 Thu) 時間 Time:11:30am – 12:30pm 費用 Fee : 5月 May: 5堂/sessions – 會員 Members…

活力健體操 (2024年5月) Vitality Fitness Exercise (May 2024)

活力健體操好處多多,不但可強身健體,擴展社交網絡,且對精神健康甚有裨益 – 增強記憶力、改善抑鬱、延緩腦退化。寒冬即將過去,快來鍛鍊健康身心,迎接和暖陽光! Vitality fitness exercise is great for your health in many ways! Not only does it make your body stronger and help you make new friends, but it is also really good for your mind. 日期 Date: 1/5, 8/5, 15/5, 22/5, 29/5 (星期三 Wednesday) 時間 Time: 11:15am – 12:15pm 費用 Fee: 5月份 May:…

太極健康班 (2024年5月) Tai Chi and Health (May 2024)

課程著重太極拳原理,提高手腳、呼吸的整體協調,以增強體能學習放鬆精神身體,並以適當的運動,增強下盤穩固力,增強柔韌性、培養健康體質。 Discover the power of Tai Chi’s core principles: coordination, inner strength, and energy. Unlock the art of letting go, finding relief from stress, improving flexibility, and boosting self-esteem. 日期 Date: 7/5, 14/5, 21/5, 28/5 (星期二 Tue) 時間 Time: 11:15am – 12:15pm 費用 Fee: 5月份 May: 4堂 (4 sessions) – 會員 Members £12, 非會員 Non-members…

書法班(2024年5月) Chinese Calligraphy Class (May 2024)

寫書法也能養生!? 沒錯,寫書法好處多多,除了摒除雜念、平穩情緒之外,更是可以訓練全身穩定跟協調性的緩和運動、適合所有年齡的全方位保健方式。今年的自我養生目標,就從寫毛筆字開始吧! Discover the health benefits of calligraphy! It calms emotions, improves coordination, and is suitable for all ages. Make calligraphy your self-nurturing goal this year! 日期 Date: 13/5, 20/5 (星期一 Monday) (6/5 及 27/5 均為銀行假期,沒有課堂 There will be no class on 6/5 & 27/5 which fall on Bank Holidays) 時間 Time: 11:30am – 1:00pm…

依士靈頓開心粵曲組 星期六粵曲欣賞 (20/4/2024) Islington Cantonese Opera Group – Enjoy Cantonese Opera Songs with Live Music for FREE (20/4/2024)

為推廣粵曲及弘揚中華文化,依士靈頓華人協會及「開心粵曲組」於2024年合作開辦「依士靈頓開心粵曲組」。由2024年1月6日起,逢星期六下午1:00至7:00是觀眾免費欣賞粵曲時段,歡迎前來ICA觀賞,報名請WhatsApp 李蔡健芬 (07880 732948)。地點:ICA一樓大堂 (21 Hatchard Road, London N19 4NG)。 To promote Cantonese Opera and Chinese culture, the Islington Chinese Association and the “Happy Cantonese Opera Group” are joining forces to bring you the “Islington Cantonese Opera Group” in 2024. Starting from 6 January 2024, the group will be open to the public every Saturday…

家居維修DIY工作坊 – 牆身篇  Home Maintenance DIY Workshop – Wall Repair

牆身剝落?油牆?如何選擇油漆的種類?修補裂痕?對於家居牆身保養有任何疑問,都歡迎參加這個工作坊,資深義工 Tom Wu 將與大家分享家居維修保養的經驗。Volunteer Tom Wu will share his experience in wall maintenance and repair with everyone. * 活動中將有實踐環節, 參加者請穿著方便活動及不怕弄髒的衣服。There will be a hands-on session. Participants are advised to wear comfortable clothes that they don’t mind getting dirty.日期 Date:23 / 4 / 2024 (二 Tue)時間 Time:2:00 PM – 4:00 PM地點 Venue:ICA 地下大堂 ICA Lower Hall (21 Hatchard…

依士靈頓開心粵曲組 星期六粵曲欣賞 (13/4/2024) Islington Cantonese Opera Group – Enjoy Cantonese Opera Songs with Live Music for FREE (13/4/2024)

為推廣粵曲及弘揚中華文化,依士靈頓華人協會及「開心粵曲組」於2024年合作開辦「依士靈頓開心粵曲組」。由2024年1月6日起,逢星期六下午1:00至7:00是觀眾免費欣賞粵曲時段,歡迎前來ICA觀賞,報名請WhatsApp 李蔡健芬 (07880 732948)。地點:ICA一樓大堂 (21 Hatchard Road, London N19 4NG)。 To promote Cantonese Opera and Chinese culture, the Islington Chinese Association and the “Happy Cantonese Opera Group” are joining forces to bring you the “Islington Cantonese Opera Group” in 2024. Starting from 6 January 2024, the group will be open to the public every Saturday…

英語聊天聚會 English Chit Chat Group(2024年4月- 5月 Apr – May 2024)

每次聚會透過不同話題,在導師帶領下,讓你提升英語的聆聽及說話能力,增強自信。By facilitating group discussion on different topics, the tutor will help you to improve your English listening and speaking skills, and boost your confidence in English! 導師Tutor:Jessica Siobhan(超過15年不同國家英語教學經驗,尤其擅長利用多元有趣的方式,幫助母語非英語學生建立運用英文的自信。Over 15 years and teaching English to non-native speakers. Creative, energetic and professional teacher that helps students build confidence and progress) 日期 Date:18/4, 25/4, 2/5, 16/5, 23/5, 30/5(四…

Advanced English Class for Everyday Use 生活英語進階班(2024年4月-5月 Apr-May 2024)

Experienced tutor Jessica Siobhan teaching slang, tone, accent and other knowledge in daily English in a relaxed and lively way. Helping participants to have more confidence in daily conversations and handle daily life in English. 想換個方式學英文?想更有信心進行日常會話,以英語處理生活大小事情?歡迎參加「生活英語進階班」經驗豐富的導師,將以輕鬆活潑的教學方式,教授日常英語中的俚語、語氣、口音等知識,亦讓學員從中認識英國文化! 日期 Date:17/4, 24/4, 1/5, 15/5, 22/5, 29/5 (三 Wed) * 8/5 沒有課堂 No class on 8/5時間 Time:11:15 AM -…

舞獅 ‧ 獅鼓訓練班  Training for Lion Dance and Lion Drumming  12/4/2024 – 26/7/2024 

舞獅不單是一種中華民間傳統表演藝術,更可強身健體;而獅鼓能帶出舞獅表演的氣氛及意境,兩者可謂相得益彰。感謝三位表演經驗豐富的義工傅師傅、明師傅和Tom,願意傳授舞獅及獅鼓心得。ICA希望透過開辦訓練班成立獅隊,除傳承中華文化藝術,更希望藉表演服務社群。 Lion dance is a traditional Chinese folk performance art that promotes physical fitness. Lion drumming enhances the atmosphere and artistic conception of lion dance, complementing each other. Thanks to the three experienced volunteer performers, Master Fu, Master Ming, and Tom, for their willingness to share their knowledge of lion dance and lion drumming. ICA…


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