
機會來了,ICA計劃在5月6日國王加冕這個社區同樂日,義賣從你們家中收集得來有價值的二手物品,例如衣服👚👖👗👚👕手袋 👛👜💼🎒玩具🧸🪆手飾💎💍等(條件是必須乾淨及沒有明顯破損)。所有收益將作為慈善捐款,用以支持依士靈頓華人協會的運作。




電郵 info@islingtonchinese.com或 WhatsApp 07724 828778 與本中心聯絡及發送捐贈物品的相片,待中心確認接受有關物品後,再安排運送細節。

捐贈日期:即日起至5月4 日中午12:00前




Do you have any items you no longer need and just take up space at home! Why don’t you donate to ICA for charity sales on Carnival Day in celebration of HM King Charles III Coronation!

We welcome any unused and second-hand items such as 👚👗👖👕clothes, 👜👛💼🎒handbags, 💍💎accessories, and toys🧸 which are still in clean and good condition. All proceeds will be donated to Islington Chinese Association in support of ICA’s running cost.

This meaningful charity sales activity will allow you to create more space at home, also you can extend the life to items that you no longer use. More importantly, you can help ICA raise some funds to support Centre’s running cost.

Action and support us now!

How to donate:

Contact the Centre by email or WhatsApp by sending pictures of the items. ICA will confirm what we can accept and arrange delivery details.

📧Email: info@islingtonchinese.com

📳WhatsApp: 07724828778

Deadline for donation: from now to 4 May 12:00pm

🚫Items not recommended: expired foodstuffs, personal clothing, socks, home appliances, newspapers, magazines, books, and shoes.

⭐️ICA reserves the right to handle and set pricing of confirmed items for charity sales.

Thank you for your continued support of Islington Chinese Association ❤️❤️❤️