太極健康班 (2024年7及8月) Tai Chi and Health (Jul & Aug 2024)

課程著重太極拳原理,提高手腳、呼吸的整體協調,以增強體能學習放鬆精神身體,並以適當的運動,增強下盤穩固力,增強柔韌性、培養健康體質。 Discover the power of Tai Chi's core principles: coordination, inner strength, and energy. Unlock the art of letting go, finding relief from stress, improving flexibility, and boosting self-esteem. 日期 Date: 30/7, 6/8, 13/8, 20/8, 27/8 (星期二 Tue) ** 導師因事請假,暫定30/7復課,敬請留意。The instructor is currently on leave due to a personal matter. Classes will resume on 30…

書法班 (2024年7及8月) Chinese Calligraphy Class (Jul & Aug 2024)

香港中文大學醫學院最近一項研究證實,年長人士參與寫書法等認知活動,對協調大腦神經網絡有正面影響。研究不單證明反覆練習有助重新組織及加強大腦網絡功能,同時證實未患有認知障礙症的長者,更密集地進行常規認知活動,都可促進腦部健康。今天開始,就來參加書法班,讓定期練習、定期交功課成為樂趣,目標清晰地激活腦袋! A recent study by the Faculty of Medicine at The Chinese University of Hong Kong has confirmed that older adults' participation in cognitive activities such as calligraphy has a positive impact on coordinating the neural networks in the brain. Starting today, join our Chinese calligraphy class and make regular practice and assignments a pleasurable…

舞獅 ‧ 獅鼓訓練班  Training for Lion Dance and Lion Drumming  (Jul-Aug 2024)

舞獅不單是一種中華民間傳統表演藝術,更可強身健體;而獅鼓能帶出舞獅表演的氣氛及意境,兩者可謂相得益彰。感謝三位表演經驗豐富的義工傅師傅、明師傅和Tom,願意傳授舞獅及獅鼓心得。ICA希望透過開辦訓練班成立獅隊,除傳承中華文化藝術,更希望藉表演服務社群。 Lion dance is a traditional Chinese folk performance art that promotes physical fitness. Lion drumming enhances the atmosphere and artistic conception of lion dance, complementing each other. Thanks to the three experienced volunteer performers, Master Fu, Master Ming, and Tom, for their willingness to share their knowledge of lion dance and lion drumming. ICA…

二十四式簡化太極拳 (2024年7月及8月) Simplified 24-Form Tai Chi Chuan (Jul-Aug 2024)

24式簡化太極拳也叫簡化太極拳,是太極拳專家汲取楊氏太極拳之精華編串而成。儘管它只有24個動作,但相比傳統的太極拳套路來講,其內容更顯精練,動作更顯規範,並且也能充分體現太極拳的運動特點 The Simplified 24-Form TAI Chi Chuan was created in 1956 based upon the traditional Yang style of Tai Chi Chuan. It is an easy-to-follow and slow-moving, yet powerful, workout. 日期 Date:4/7, 11/7, 18/7, 25/7; 1/8, 8/8, 15/8, 22/8, 29/8 (星期四 Thursday) 時間 Time:10:30am – 11:30am 費用 Fee :1. 按月收費 (Pay for the month) 會員 Members…

太極劍32式 (楊式) (2024年7月及8月) Yang Style Tai Chi Sword 32 Form (Jul-Aug 2024)

根據傳統的楊式太極劍套路改編,全部動作除「起勢」和「收勢」,共選定32個主要姿勢動作。這種傳統而著名的劍術套路包含了所有基本的劍術動作,學生可以用扇子代替劍來學習這些動作。 Adapted from the traditional Yang-style Tai Chi Sword routine. Excluding the "initiating posture" and "concluding posture", a total of 32 main posture movements have been selected. This traditional and renowned sword routine, encompasses all the essential sword movements. Students can use a fan in place of the sword to learn these movements. 日期 Date:4/7,…

大英博物館 – 不可錯過的10件展品  10 Must-see Items @ British Museum

相信不少人都曾多次到訪大英博物館,但面對林林總總的展品,該如何重點觀賞?若有親友來英,又可帶他們參觀哪些必看藏品?義務導賞員Ian Tang 於2024年7月10日 (星期三) 會帶大家欣賞博物館內10件必看藏品,並逐一介紹。是次活動分上午(10:30-12:00) 和下午 (1:00-2:30) 兩團,內容相同,每團15人,大家可按自己合適的日程選擇。講解以廣東話為主。 Many people have visited the British Museum multiple times, but faced with the large number of exhibits, how should one focus the visit? If you have friends or relatives coming to England, which must-see collections can you bring them to see? Volunteer guide Ian Tang will lead…