依士靈頓開心粵曲組 星期六粵曲欣賞 (18/5/2024) Islington Cantonese Opera Group – Enjoy Cantonese Opera Songs with Live Music for FREE (18/5/2024)

為推廣粵曲及弘揚中華文化,依士靈頓華人協會及「開心粵曲組」於2024年合作開辦「依士靈頓開心粵曲組」。由2024年1月6日起,逢星期六下午1:00至7:00是觀眾免費欣賞粵曲時段,歡迎前來ICA觀賞,報名請WhatsApp 李蔡健芬 (07880 732948) 或 方嘉倫 (07552 352222)。地點:ICA一樓大堂 (21 Hatchard Road, London N19 4NG)。 To promote Cantonese Opera and Chinese culture, the Islington Chinese Association and the "Happy Cantonese Opera Group" are joining forces to bring you the "Islington Cantonese Opera Group" in 2024. Starting from 6 January 2024, the group will be open to…

依士靈頓開心粵曲組 星期六粵曲欣賞 (11/5/2024) Islington Cantonese Opera Group – Enjoy Cantonese Opera Songs with Live Music for FREE (11/5/2024)

為推廣粵曲及弘揚中華文化,依士靈頓華人協會及「開心粵曲組」於2024年合作開辦「依士靈頓開心粵曲組」。由2024年1月6日起,逢星期六下午1:00至7:00是觀眾免費欣賞粵曲時段,歡迎前來ICA觀賞,報名請WhatsApp 李蔡健芬 (07880 732948) 或 方嘉倫 (07552 352222)。地點:ICA一樓大堂 (21 Hatchard Road, London N19 4NG)。 To promote Cantonese Opera and Chinese culture, the Islington Chinese Association and the "Happy Cantonese Opera Group" are joining forces to bring you the "Islington Cantonese Opera Group" in 2024. Starting from 6 January 2024, the group will be open to…

依士靈頓開心粵曲組 星期六粵曲欣賞 (4/5/2024) Islington Cantonese Opera Group – Enjoy Cantonese Opera Songs with Live Music for FREE (4/5/2024)

為推廣粵曲及弘揚中華文化,依士靈頓華人協會及「開心粵曲組」於2024年合作開辦「依士靈頓開心粵曲組」。由2024年1月6日起,逢星期六下午1:00至7:00是觀眾免費欣賞粵曲時段,歡迎前來ICA觀賞,報名請WhatsApp 李蔡健芬 (07880 732948)。地點:ICA一樓大堂 (21 Hatchard Road, London N19 4NG)。 To promote Cantonese Opera and Chinese culture, the Islington Chinese Association and the "Happy Cantonese Opera Group" are joining forces to bring you the "Islington Cantonese Opera Group" in 2024. Starting from 6 January 2024, the group will be open to the public every Saturday…

漫遊西倫敦富勒姆區 Exploring Fulham, West London

倫敦的美在於新舊結合,自然風光與人文風景共冶一爐。今次選取的遊覽地方正符合這兩個特點。上午遊覽建於1840年並列為二級保護建築物的布朗普頓墓園 (Brompton Cemetery) 。春夏之間繁花盛放、綠樹成蔭,參加者亦可在咖啡館休息,享受一個寧靜的早上。自費午餐可選擇一間位於普特尼橋 (Putney bridge) 南岸並設有露天座位的餐廳。自備食物者可在泰晤士河邊用膳,同時可欣賞水道風光。下午遊覽的富勒姆宮 (Fulham Palace),前身為英國歷任主教的居所及教會接待貴賓的地方,現已改為博物館,免費開放供遊人參觀。另有佔地13英畝的花園,種植各種樹木花卉。館內設有咖啡館,與花園相連,是享用下午茶的好地方。這樣閒適的遊覧路線,不論你是古舊歷史建築、大自然或是慢活的愛好者,總能讓你洗滌心靈。 The beauty of London lies in the combination of old and new, where natural landscapes and cultural scenery come together harmoniously. The selected tour destinations for this occasion perfectly embody these two features. In the morning, we will visit Brompton Cemetery, which was built in 1840 and…

依士靈頓開心粵曲組 星期六粵曲欣賞 (20/4/2024) Islington Cantonese Opera Group – Enjoy Cantonese Opera Songs with Live Music for FREE (20/4/2024)

為推廣粵曲及弘揚中華文化,依士靈頓華人協會及「開心粵曲組」於2024年合作開辦「依士靈頓開心粵曲組」。由2024年1月6日起,逢星期六下午1:00至7:00是觀眾免費欣賞粵曲時段,歡迎前來ICA觀賞,報名請WhatsApp 李蔡健芬 (07880 732948)。地點:ICA一樓大堂 (21 Hatchard Road, London N19 4NG)。 To promote Cantonese Opera and Chinese culture, the Islington Chinese Association and the "Happy Cantonese Opera Group" are joining forces to bring you the "Islington Cantonese Opera Group" in 2024. Starting from 6 January 2024, the group will be open to the public every Saturday…

依士靈頓開心粵曲組 星期六粵曲欣賞 (13/4/2024) Islington Cantonese Opera Group – Enjoy Cantonese Opera Songs with Live Music for FREE (13/4/2024)

為推廣粵曲及弘揚中華文化,依士靈頓華人協會及「開心粵曲組」於2024年合作開辦「依士靈頓開心粵曲組」。由2024年1月6日起,逢星期六下午1:00至7:00是觀眾免費欣賞粵曲時段,歡迎前來ICA觀賞,報名請WhatsApp 李蔡健芬 (07880 732948)。地點:ICA一樓大堂 (21 Hatchard Road, London N19 4NG)。 To promote Cantonese Opera and Chinese culture, the Islington Chinese Association and the "Happy Cantonese Opera Group" are joining forces to bring you the "Islington Cantonese Opera Group" in 2024. Starting from 6 January 2024, the group will be open to the public every Saturday…