香薰治療在英國是一種輔助及整全療法,NHS一些部門更設有香薰治療讓病人選用。它使用天然芳香植物的葉子,果皮,根莖或種子等提取的精油,透過不同手法,逹致 舒緩痛症,幫助睡眠,舒緩焦慮、不安、抑鬱症狀等。香薰治療與痛症工作坊由英國註冊香薰治療師為大家介紹如何運用香薰治療配合穴位按摩手法 (Acupressure) 紓緩身心的痛症。

Aromatherapy in the UK is a kind of therapy that helps people feel better. Some hospitals under NHS offer aromatherapy treatments for patients to choose from. It uses oils extracted from natural plants like leaves, fruit peels, roots, stems, or seeds. These oils are used in different ways to help with things like pain, sleep, and feelings of anxiety, unease, or depressed mood. In aromatherapy workshops for pain relief, a registered aromatherapist from the UK teaches people how to use aromatherapy together with acupressure massage techniques to ease pain.

導師簡介 About the speaker
Zoe SO

– 英國註冊香薰治療師(IFA|CNHC)
– 英國註冊催眠治療師(GHR |CNHC)
– 香港及英國註冊社工
– 靜觀修習者及導師

Ms. Zoe SO is a registered aromatherapist in the United Kingdom, possessing extensive experience and qualifications in aromatherapy treatments

– Registered Aromatherapist in the United Kingdom (IFA | CNHC)
– Registered Hypnotherapist in the United Kingdom (GHR | CNHC)
– Registered Social Worker in Hong Kong and the United Kingdom
– Mindfulness Practitioner and Instructor

日期 Date:22/3/2024 (五 Fri)
時間 Time:2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
地點 Venue:依士靈頓華人中心低層大堂 ICA Lower Hall (21 Hatchard Road, London N19 4NG)
優先 Priority:BNO 簽證持有人或ICA會員 BNO visa holder or ICA members
名額 Quota:30人
費用 Fee:費用全免 Free
語言 Language:廣東話 Cantonese
報名 Register:WhatsApp 07523 864993 或填此 Google Form https://forms.gle/qG25LrmRAkkrsNK37
地址 Address:21 Hatchard Road, London N19 4NG
查詢 Enquiry:info@islingtonchinese.com

(成功報名人士,將會收到電郵 或 WhatsApp 確認 Successful registration will be confirmed by WhatsApp or Email)