講座:香薰治療與痛症 Seminar: Aromatherapy and Pain Relief

香薰治療在英國是一種輔助及整全療法,NHS一些部門更設有香薰治療讓病人選用。它使用天然芳香植物的葉子,果皮,根莖或種子等提取的精油,透過不同手法,逹致 舒緩痛症,幫助睡眠,舒緩焦慮、不安、抑鬱症狀等。香薰治療與痛症工作坊由英國註冊香薰治療師為大家介紹如何運用香薰治療配合穴位按摩手法 (Acupressure) 紓緩身心的痛症。Aromatherapy in the UK is a kind of therapy that helps people feel better. Some hospitals under NHS offer aromatherapy treatments for patients to choose from. It uses oils extracted from natural plants like leaves, fruit peels, roots, stems, or seeds. These oils are used in different ways to help with things…

講座:香薰治療與季節性情緒低落 Seminar: Aromatherapy and Seasonal Affective Disorder

自英國轉為冬令時間後,日照時間變短,天氣轉冷,天色也變得陰沉。對習慣香港一年四季充足陽光的港人來說,可能會出現季節性的情緒低落:容易感到疲倦、渴睡、心情變差、做什麼也沒有動力、有部分更慢慢出現抑鬱症狀,影響生活,家人關係及人際關係。是次活動,向大家介紹如何使用香薰治療方法,運用日常生活都可接觸的水果或者香料去舒緩上述的不適,提振情緒,共渡寒冬。 After the switch to winter time in the United Kingdom, the sunlight hours become shorter and the weather turns colder. For those new immigrants from Hong Kong, who accustomed to sunshine throughout the year, may feel fatigue, drowsiness, lack of motivation, and depressive symptoms in the winter of the UK. This may affect their…