講座及工作坊: 透過西洋畫探索歐洲藝術的演變 Talk & Workshop: Tracing the Evolution of European Art Through Western Paintings

透過認識著名的畫家及其畫作,對歐洲的藝術發展、及其盛載的思潮有所瞭解,作為讓其融入英國社會的另一渠道。By getting to know famous painters and their works, gaining an understanding of the development of European art and the ideas it embodies, this serves as another avenue for them to integrate into British society. Part 1 講座 Talk講座將介紹4個時期、約14至15位畫家,要介紹的畫家,畫作都取材自 National Gallery,讓聽眾之後自行前往欣賞更有一番體會 。The talk will introduce four periods in the history of Western painting and approximately 14 to 15 painters in each period.…

健康講座:慢性發炎 萬病之源  ICA Health Talk: Chronic Inflammation – A Silent fire

發炎是身體對損傷和外來微生物的反應。 然而越來越多研究顯示許多疾病背後都發現醞釀中且未被發現的低水平發炎(慢性發炎)。這次我們分享發炎與抗炎這個議題。 Inflammation is the body's natural response to injury, bacteria, and viruses. However, recent research suggests that unnoticed, low-level inflammation plays a role in various diseases. We will discuss inflammation and its counter, anti-inflammation in the coming talk. 日期 Date: 2024年5月16日 (星期四 Thursday)時間 Time: 1:30 - 3:00 PM 地點 Venue: ICA 地下大堂 Lower Hall (21 Hatchard Road, London…

家居維修DIY工作坊 – 牆身篇  Home Maintenance DIY Workshop – Wall Repair

牆身剝落?油牆?如何選擇油漆的種類?修補裂痕?對於家居牆身保養有任何疑問,都歡迎參加這個工作坊,資深義工 Tom Wu 將與大家分享家居維修保養的經驗。Volunteer Tom Wu will share his experience in wall maintenance and repair with everyone. * 活動中將有實踐環節, 參加者請穿著方便活動及不怕弄髒的衣服。There will be a hands-on session. Participants are advised to wear comfortable clothes that they don't mind getting dirty.日期 Date:23 / 4 / 2024 (二 Tue)時間 Time:2:00 PM - 4:00 PM地點 Venue:ICA 地下大堂 ICA Lower Hall (21 Hatchard…

網上分享: 英國教育,適唔適應? 仔女煩惱,點樣回應?Online Sharing: Adapting to education in the UK

阿仔嚟到英國,少咗社交活動,唔似以前可以自己搵同學打波坐麥記,社交能力越嚟越弱,點算好?阿女唔開心又唔講,學校冇社工,老師又難搵,點先知佢係咪唔適應,定係青春期就係咁?其實... 最唔適應英國嗰個係自己?囡囡接受呢邊教育,對性行為、性取向、種族等等嘅睇法,同自己越嚟越唔同,點先唔會火星撞地球? 移民英國,家長要兼顧自己同子女嘅適應,真係唔簡單。「ICA 網台」請嚟三位嘉賓,包括香港移英嘅家長、教育心理學家同教學助理,就學生嘅情緒支援、社交能力、價值觀、身份認同等等,分享觀察同建議。仲有資深家庭輔導員同嚟咗英國超過廿年嘅家長作回應,為大家打打氣! Moving to the UK can be challenging for parents. What to do if your daughter won’t tell you a thing, or your son’s social skills are regressing? How to tell if they aren’t adjusting well? Are big fights inevitable if your values are increasingly different? Host Lorraine speaks to three guests…

健康講座:認識子官頸抹片檢查  Health Awareness Session: Cervical Screening and You

你知道參加NHS的子宮頸篩檢預約是保護你的子宮頸健康的最佳方法嗎?在這個20分鐘的簡短講座內,你可以了解這項免費服務的運作方式,包括廣東話影片,並會為你提供傳單和資訊手冊。是次健康講座的主題是:「篩檢、發現、保護 - 接受癌症篩檢邀請,不要拖延。」 這個20分鐘的簡短講座將於3月20日 (星期三) 下午1:30舉行,時間緊接12:30-1:30的午餐會。如有興趣參加講座,或同時報名參加午餐會,請WhatsApp 07523 864993,我們會為你留座。 Do you know attending your NHS cervical screening appointment is the best way to PROTECT your cervical health? Find out how this FREE service works in this short awareness session including videos made in Cantonese. Flyers and information book are also available. The general theme of our…

講座:香薰治療與痛症 Seminar: Aromatherapy and Pain Relief

香薰治療在英國是一種輔助及整全療法,NHS一些部門更設有香薰治療讓病人選用。它使用天然芳香植物的葉子,果皮,根莖或種子等提取的精油,透過不同手法,逹致 舒緩痛症,幫助睡眠,舒緩焦慮、不安、抑鬱症狀等。香薰治療與痛症工作坊由英國註冊香薰治療師為大家介紹如何運用香薰治療配合穴位按摩手法 (Acupressure) 紓緩身心的痛症。Aromatherapy in the UK is a kind of therapy that helps people feel better. Some hospitals under NHS offer aromatherapy treatments for patients to choose from. It uses oils extracted from natural plants like leaves, fruit peels, roots, stems, or seeds. These oils are used in different ways to help with things…